மனுஷ அவதாரம் பண்ண, to be born man.
அவதாரதினம் - birth day.
s. [prov.] Tearing, divid ing, பிரிக்கை.தலையவதாரம்பண்ண, inf. To be head.
s. Birth of a great or divine person, the assumption of a body by a deity, incarnation, பிறப்பு; [ex அவ, down, or over, et. திரு, to cross or pass.] Wils. p. 78. AVATARA.--Note. For the ten incar nations of Vishnu, see திருமால்.அவதாரமெடுக்க, inf. To become incarnate, assume a body, as a deity, to be born.மனிதாவதாரம், s. The incarna tion of a deity in the human form.
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