காலத்தில்செய்த உதவி, timely help.
சமயத்திற்கேற்ற உதவி; seasonable aid.
உதவியாயிருக்க, --செய்ய, to help.
கைக்குதவி, help to the hand, something to lean upon as a staff, an assistant etc.
பொருளுதவி, pecuniary help.
வாக்குதவி, சொல்லுதவி, help by word, recommendation.
உதவிக்காரன், (Christ.) servant, minister, deacon, fem. உதவிக்காரி, deaconess.
s. Aid, help, assistance, suc cor, சகாயம். 2. Bestowment, ஈகை. 3. A gift, a donation, a boon, a contribution, a benefit, உபகாரம்.உதவிசெய்ய, inf. To aid, render assistance.சமயத்திற்கேற்றஉதவி, s. Season able aid.சமயத்திற்செய்தஉதவி, s. Aid ren dered in season.தெய்வஉதவி, s. Divine aid.கைக்குதவி, s. Help to the hand --as a staff, a weapon, an instrument, another to assist in labor, to lean upon, &c.கையுதவி, s. Help by hand, help of an inferior kind and temporary--as of a servant or person at hand.ஊருதவி, s. The help of one's countrymen.உயிருதவி, s. The aid given by which a person is rescued in a fatal juncture. 2. Help rendered by giving up life for another.பேருதவி, s. Great help.போருதவி, s. Weapons, army, &c., auxiliary to a war. 2. Succor ren dered to a war.அயலுதவி, s. The help of neigh bors.சொல்லுதவி, s. Help by word, recommendation.ஆளுதவி, s. Personal help, help of a more general and important nature --as having servants or dependants at command.பொருளுதவி, s. Help by property.
துணை; கொடை