ஊஞ்சலாட, ஊசலாட, to be rocked in a swing, to swing; 2. to move to & fro; 3. to frequent.
அவன் மனம் ஊசலாடிற்று, his mind was perturbed without coming to any decision.
ஊஞ்சல்நாட்ட, to fix posts for a swing.
ஊஞ்சல்போட, to put up a swing.
s. A swing, ஊசல். (c.)ஊஞ்சலாட, inf. to swing, to be swung.ஊஞ்சலாட்டு, v. noun. Swinging the images of the gods and goddesses- a ceremony at the close of the annual festival; also swinging the bridegroom and bride the day after the marriage.
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