தாழங்குடை, an umbrella made of தாழை leaves.
தாழம்பாய், a mat made of its leaves.
தாழம்பூ, the fragrant flower of தாழை.
தாழையோலை, leaves of that bush.
கற்றாழை, Indian aloe, aloe indica
தழுதாழை, a shrub in hedges (see separately).
பறங்கித்தாழை, a pine-apple plant.
s. A wild plant found on sea shores, the sweet scented or screw pine, தாழைமரம், Pandanas oderatissima L. (c.) 2. Cocoa-nut tree, தென்னமரம்--Note. In combination ை may be dropped.தாழங்காய், s. The fruit of the தாழை. கடற்கரையிற்றாழங்காய்கீழ்த்தூங்கியென்னமேல்து ங்கியென்ன. Of what importance is it whether the green fruit of the wild pine, on the sea shore, hang high or low?தாழங்காயெண்ணெய், s. A medicinal oil made of the தாழை fruit.தாழங்குடை, s. An umbrella made of the தாழை leaf. (c.)தாழங்குலை, s. The fruit cluster.தாழமடல், s. The petals of the தாழை.தாழம்பழம், s. The ripe fruit of the தாழை.தாழம்பூ, s. The fragrant flower of the plant. (c.)தாழைமுலை, s. The root growing down ward from its branches.தாழையோலை--தாழமோலை, s. Leaf of the தாழை.கடற்றாழை, s. A weed in the sea.கற்றாழை, s. Indian aloe; Aloe Indica. (Royle.)கற்றாழஞ்சோறு, s. The pith of the leaf.சோற்றுக்கற்றாழை, s. Another kind containing a fleshy substance resem bling boiled rice.செந்தாழை, s. The red kind.தழுதாழை, s. A shrub in hedges, Clerodendrum phlomodies, L.பேய்த்தாழை, s. The wild aloe.வெண்டாழை, s. The white variety.