தொங்கல், v. n. & s. anything that hangs down; 2. border or end of a garment hanging down; 3. a jewel for the ears with a pendent; 4. a flower garland, பூமாலை; 5. the tail of a pea-cock, மயிற்றோகை; 6. a white umbrella, being a sign of royalty, வெண்குடை; 7. an end, an extremity, a cape, a head-land, the end of a street, முனை; 8. men's hair, ஆண்மயிர்.
தொங்கலுக்குத் தொங்கல், at everycorner.
தொங்கல்போட, -விட, to put the end of the cloth over the shoulder, as a woman.
தொங்காரப்பாய்ச்சல், v. n. a jolting pace, the gallop of a horse.
தொங்கிப்போக, to be lodged and lost as a thing thrown; 2. (fig.) to be in another's possession to be unjustly appropriated; 3. a tarry in the road from fatigue; 4. (cant.) to die; 5. (prov.) to run away.
தொங்கியிருக்க, to hang, to be suspended.
தொங்குகாது, hanging ears.
தொங்குபுளுகன், a vain person, who walks in a conceited gait.
தொங்குபொறி, -பொறிவு, -பறிவு, hanging just ready to fall, slipping off; 2. ready or waiting for a pretext to leave a company.
கிறேன், தொங்கினேன், வேன், தொங்க, v. n. To hang, to be suspended, to hang down, to stick, or hang, ready to fall; to dangle, தூங்க. 2. To adhere as any thing to the bowels, தங்க. 3. (fig.) To re main long with one, as another's proper ty, நிலுவைப்பட. (c.) 4. To move with leaps --as a child skipping, or a beast gallop ping, குதிக்க. 5. [in burlesque.] To run away, to slip off (to die) with விடுதல், or போகுதல்; குழுஉக்குறி--Most of the com pounds are limited to Jaffna.தொங்காரப்பாய்ச்சல், v. noun. A jolt ing pace, jumping movement, gallop of a horse, குதிரையோட்டம்.தொங்கிப்பாய, inf. To rise high in walking, to gallop, to skin. 2. (fig.) To be haughty, to assume airs.தொங்கிப்போக, inf. To be lodged and lost as a thing thrown. 2. (fig.) To be in another's possession, to be lost, to be unjustly appropriated--as a deposit, to become burdensome as a debt. 3. To tarry in the road from fatigue. (c.) 4. [in cant.] To die. 4. [prov.] To run away.தொங்கிவிழ, inf. To jump and tumble down. 2. To be haughty, to be exposed to fall.தொங்குகாது, s. Hanging ears. (c.)தொங்குபறிவு--தொங்குபொறி--தொங் குபொறிவு, v. noun. [prov.] Hanging just ready to fall; to slip off; to turn over, ஒட்டியும்ஒட்டாதிருத்தல். 2. (fig.) Ready or waiting for a pretext to leave a com pany, விலகுதற்கேதுபார்த்தல்.தொங்குகிழவன், s. A decrepit, old man. (R.)தொங்குபுளுகன், s. [prov.] A vain per son, who walks with a conceited spring ing gait, பெரும்புளுகன்.
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