அசைச்சொல், words as particles.
அசைபோட,-இட-வெட்ட, to ruminate, to chew the cud.
நிரையசை, a compound metrical syllable.
நேரசை, a single metrical syllable.
அசையாமை, neg. v. n. immovability; firmness.
அசைவு, அசைகை, v. n. moving, motion.
அசைவு பார்க்க, to spy out a thing.
அசைவுறாத்தீர்மானம், unshakable resolve.
அசைப்பு, v. n. shaking, agitation, commotion.
தலையசைப்பினால் சம்மதத்தைக் காட்ட, to show one's consent by a nod of head.
s. An-expletive, அசைநிலை. 2. Accent, இசைப்பிரிவு. 3. (c.) The cud, இரை மீட்பு. 4. (p.) Metrical syllable, செய்யுளுறுப்பா றினொன்று. There are two kinds of அசை, viz. (a.) நேரசை, when there is a sin gle syllable, ஓரலகு. 1. When there is a long vowel, as ஆ. 2. When the vowel is short, as ழி. 3. When the short vowel is joined with a mute, as வெள். 4. When the long vowel is joined with a mute, as வேல். (b.) நிரையசை, When there is a compound syllable, ஈரலகு. 1. When two short vowels are joined, as வெறி. 2. When a short and long vowel are joined, as சுறா. 3. When two short vowels are joined with a mute, as in நிறம். 4. When a short and long vowel are joined with a mute, as விளாம்.அசைச்சீர், s. A foot of one syl lable, as நாள் and மலர்.அசைச்சொல்--அசைநிலை, s. An expletive, அசைநிலைச்சொல்.அசைபோட--அசையிட--அசை வெட்ட, inf. To chew the cud, to ru minate.அசையடி, s. One of the members of கலிப்பா. கலிப்பாவினோருறுப்பு.அசையந்தாதி, s. A poem in which the last syllable of one verse and the first of the succeeding are the same.
கிறேன், ந்தேன், வேன், ய, v. n. To move, stir, tremble, ஆட. 2. To waver, quiver, totter, not being able to sup port a weight--as a slender waisted woman is poetically described to waver in walking, from the weight of her breasts, தள்ளாட. 3. (p.) To lodge, sojourn, dwell in an appro priate place-as men in houses, towns, &c. beasts in the forest, fishes in water, &c., சஞ்சரிக்க. 4. (c.) To walk or ride for recre ation, be active, be engaged in the per formance of works, in distinction from the quiescence of the Gnani, உலாவ. 5. To be indolent, inactive, idle, சோம்ப. 6. To be disturbed, discomposed, agitated, கலங்க. 7. To be weary, exhausted, faint, துவள. 8. To fluctuate, hesitate, be confused by a rebuke, தத்தளிக்க.அசைகை, v. noun. Motion, moving, அசைவு. 2. Conjectural circumstance--as a rustling among leaves may excite con jecture of a snake being there, ஐயம்.அசையாநிலை, s. A fixed state, im movableness, steadfastness.அசையாமணி, s. A bell seldom rung; attached to the royal palace to in form the sovereign of any calamity of other extraordinary event, ஆராய்ச்சிமணி.அசையாமை, neg. v. noun. Firm ness, fixedness, immovableness.அசைவாட, inf. To hover, move or stir--as wind on the surface of water.அசைவு, v. noun. Shaking, moving, motion, அசைதல். 2. A kind of swinging shelf, ஊசல். 3. Motion, passion, emo tion as applicable to the qualities of the mind, மனவெழுச்சி. 4. Stir, bustle, agita tion, சஞ்சலம். 5. Weariness, failure, faint ing, சோர்வு.
க்கிறேன், த்தேன், ப்பேன், க்க, v. a. To shake, move, stir, agitate, ஆட்ட. 2. To tie, bind, fasten with a tie, bandage, &c., கட்ட. 3. To warble in sing ing, lengthen the sound quaveringly, mo dulate the voice, ஓசையெடுக்க. 4. To trans act, perform, operate in nature and in all sentient beings, as the deity the sole spring and operator in all their movements and actions; to cause action, growth, &c. throughout the universe, இயக்க.அசைத்தல்--அசைப்பு, v. noun. Shaking, moving, ஆட்டுகை. 2. Tying, binding, கட்டுகை. 3. Speaking, சொல்லு கை. 4. s. (fig. prov.) Arrogance, இறு மாப்பு.
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