அஞ்ஞானி, அக்கியானி, an ignorant person அறிவீனன்; 2. one ignorant of spiritual things.
s. [priv. அ.] Igno rance, spiritual ignorance, worldly illu sion, belief in external appearances, desti tution of the knowledge of the true God. This is the state of the soul from the be ginning, and its condition till its மலம் is removed. When the fruits of its former actions are worked out, in sufferings and enjoyments, the soul begins to be enlight ened by the grace of the Deity, its அஞ்ஞா னம் then ceases, and ஞானம் commences, in creases and ripens for its union with the Deity. Wils. p. 13. ANGNANA.அஞ்ஞானி, s. An ignorant per son, a heathen.