எவ்வேழு, seven by seven, seven of or to each.
எழுநா, the Fire God (seven-tongued); fire.
எழுநிலை மாடம், a mansion seven stories high.
எழுநூறு, seven hundred.
எழுபது, seventy.
எழு பிறப்பு, எழுமை, ஏழ்மை, the seven births.
எழுபரியோன், ஏழ்பரியோன், the sun whose chariot is drawn by seven green horses.
ஏழத்தனையாக, seven fold.
ஏழாந்தேதி, the seventh of the month
ஏழாயிரம், seven thousand.
ஏழாவது, seventhly.
ஏழேழு, seven times seven.
பதினேழு, seventeen.
. Seven, septuple, seven fold, ஓரெண்.--Note. Seven is considered a special or sacred number. As a prefix it is often எழு or ஏழ்.எழுகடல்--ஏழ்கடல், s. The seven oceans.எழுநிலைக்கோபுரம், s. A tower seven stories high.எழுநிலைமாடம், s. A palace seven stories high, lit. with seven door frames one above another.எழுபிறப்பு--ஏழ்பவம்--ஏழ்பிறப் பு, s. The seven different living beings, viz.: 1. தேவர், supernals. 2. மக்கள், men. 3. விலங்கு, beasts. 4. பறவை, birds. 5. ஊர்வன, reptiles. 6. நீர்வாழ்வன, aquatic creatures. 7. தாவரம், immovable things --as trees, plants.ஏழடிபின்போக, inf. To accom pany a poet or learned person seven steps on his departure.ஏழத்தனை. Seven-fold.ஏழரை--எழரையாண்டுச்சனி, s. The period of saturn's evil influence being seven-and-half years. See மங்கு சனி, பொங்குசனி, மரணசனி.ஏழனுருபு, s. The seventh case or local ablative, ஏழாம்வேற்றுமையுருபு.ஏழாங்கால், s. The first post of the marriage-shed when planted on the seventh day before the wedding, a lucky day being chosen.ஏழுகோணம், s. A heptagon, sep tangular figure.ஏழுதீவு, s. The seven continents.ஏழுபருவம், s. The seven stages of life. See பருவம்.ஏழுலகம், s. The seven worlds, including the earth and six supernal worlds.ஏழேழு, s. Seven times seven. 2. Seven of each, எவ்வேழு.ஏழேழுதலைமுறை, s. Seven ge nerations, the duplication of the nume ral indicating and equal number of gene rations both on the side of husband and wife.ஏழ்பரியோன், s. The sun as drawn by seven green horses, ஆதித்தன்.ஏழ்புரி, s. The seven sacred cities, also witten ஏழ்புர, and ஏழ்தலம். See புரி.ஈரேழுலகம், s. The fourteen worlds, viz.: seven supernal and seven infernal. See உலகம்.ஏழ்சுரம், s. The seven sounds of the diatonic scale.எவ்வேழு, s. Seven of, to, for, or from each, seven by seven.