செபக்குடம், a water pot sanctified with mantras.
செபதபம், prayer and penance.
செபத்தியானம், prayers and meditation, devout meditation.
செபமாலை, a rosary, a string of beads.
செபாலயம், a Christian church, as a house of prayer, a Jewish synogogue.
s. The silent repetition of in cantations in worship according to pre scribed forms, and with accompanying ceremonies, as counting the beads of a rosary, the joints of the fingers, &c., செபிக் குஞ்செபம். 2. The inaudible repetition of charms, magical incantation, &c., இதழசை யாமற்செபிக்குஞ்செபம். W. p. 34. JAPA. 3. [Christ. usage.] Prayer, வேண்டிக்கொள்ளல் (probably brought into use by the Romanists, with whose practice it accords). (c.) என்செபம்ஒன்றும்ஓடவில்லை. My prayer avails nothing.செபஞ்செய்வோன், appel. n. A pray ing person.செபதபம், s. Prayer and worship. (c.)செபஞ்சொல்ல--செபஞ்செய்ய, inf. [in Christ. usage.] To repeat prayers.செபவேளை, s. Time of prayer.செபாலயம், s. [in Christ. usage.] A prayer-house, church, synagogue.செபத்தியானம், s. Repetition of in cantations and contemplation of the image of a deity in the mind, as the two forms of daily worship, for the சரிதைக்கா ரன், and கிரியைக்காரன். (c.)செபமந்திரம், s. Charms, incantations, &c., consisting chiefly of the names. and appellations of the deities addressed.செபமாலை, s. A rosary, used to deter mine the number of repetitions of a prayer or incantation. 2. A string of golden beads, worn by women, மாதரணிக லம். (c.)செபமுருவேற, inf. [prov.] See உரு வேற.செபம்பண்ண, inf. To repeat incan tations inaudibly in worship, magic, medical practice, &c., 2. [in Christ. usage.] To pray.
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