ஞான கஞ்சுகன், s. the deity as pure intelligence clothed with wisdom.
ஞானகாரணி, the authoress of wisdom, Saraswati.
ஞானகாரியம், spiritual matters.
ஞானகுரு, ஞானாசாரியன், the spiritual guru, i. e. the deity appearing in human form to instruct his disciples.
ஞானக்கண், mental vision, spiritual sight (opp. to. ஊனக்கண்).
ஞான சபை, a hall at Chidambaram symbolizing the immensity of God.
ஞான சமாதி, the posture of the erect silent ascetic of the highest degree.
ஞான சிகாமணி, God, as crowning all wisdom.
ஞான சூட்சம், spiritual interpretation, a clue to the understanding of the mystical parts of religion.
ஞானஸ்நானம், baptism, see under ஸ்நானம்.
ஞானதிரவியம், ஞானானுபான திரவியம், (chr. us.) sacrament.
ஞான திருஷ்டி, -திட்டி, spiritual light or illumination.
ஞான தீட்சை, the imparting of spiritual illumination, by the look of the guru in his official capacity.
ஞானதீபம், -தீபிகை -விளக்கு, the lamp of knowledge.
ஞானத் தகப்பன், (chr. us.) god-father.
ஞானத்தாய், god-mother.
ஞானநிட்டை, -நிஷ்டை, the devotion of the gnani as a silent worshipper, having the mind fixed on a divine object.
ஞானநூல், theological treatises.
ஞானபாரகன், a profound philosopher.
ஞானபோதகம், -போதனை, instruction in the mysteries of religion.
ஞானப்பால், spiritual milk, divine knowledge.
ஞானப்பிள்ளை, (chr. us.) a god-son or god-daughter.
ஞானமயம், spirituality.
ஞானமார்க்கம், the course of life according to highest degree of Saivism; 2. the sublime and spiritual parts of religion.
ஞான முத்திரை, a distinguishing mark impressed on a person to denote his religion.
ஞானமுள்ளவன், one who is wise.
ஞானமூர்த்தி, God; 2. Saraswati.
ஞானவல்லி, Parvathi.
ஞானவான், (fem. ஞானவதி) a wise person, ஞானவந்தன்.
ஞானாகரன், the deity as the source of wisdom.
ஞானசாரியன், as ஞானகுரு.
ஞானாதிக்கம், the possession of wisdom.
ஞானாமிர்தம், spiritual nectar.
ஞானாயுதம், a spiritual armour or weapon.
ஞானார்த்தம், spiritual mystical sense. (ஞான+அர்த்தம்).
ஞானானந்தம், the sublime spiritual enjoyments of religion.
ஞானானந்தன், the deity, full of spiritual delight.
ஞானானுட்டானம் ஞானாநுஷ்டானம், the practice of the gnani.
ஞானானுபவம், the enjoyment of wisdom.
ஞானானுபானம், (chr. us.) means of grace. see ஞானதிரவியம்.
ஞானி, a wise man, a learned man or woman; 2. a man in the 4th or highest degree of Saiva system; 3. Brahma of the traid; 4. a gallinaceous fowl, a cock is knowing the hours of the night.
ஞானேந்திரியம், the five organs of sense.
ஞானோதயம், the dawn of spiritual wisdom.
ஞானோபதேசம், as ஞானபோதகம்.
மெய்ஞ்ஞானம், com. மெஞ்ஞானம், true wisdom.
வாசாஞானம், வாய்ஞானம், speculative knowledge.
அஞ்ஞானம், ignorance, heathenism (அ, priv.)
s. W. p. 355. GNANA. In tellect, intelligence, spiritually, அறிவு. 2. Knowledge, wisdom, erudition, learning, கல்வி. 3. Mystic or recondite knowledge; knowledge of the nature of deity, the soul, intellect, &c., derived from medita tion, the teaching of the Guru, experience, self-mortification, &c., and connected with corresponding practice according to the stage of the religionist, பிரமஞானம். 4. The fourth degree in the Saiva system, that of the exalted ascetie who by auste rities, is said to have annihilated his passions; freed his soul from earthly desires; and become ripe for absorption, ஞானபாதம். 5. The conduct of the ஞானி, or professor of the fourth degree of the Saiva system, ஞானநடை. 6. Right knowledge, true wisdom, மெய்ஞ்ஞானம். 7. A spiritual principle, state, quality or stage of the soul, when by the exhaustion of the good and evil influence of former births, it dominates over the immerging principle, ceases from actions, and approaches assi milation to the deity, தெளிவு.--This is applicable alike to human and to super human beings, and to the forms of deity as high as சதாசிவம்.--Note. Knowledge in considered attainable in three ways: 1. By evidence of the senses, perception, &c. 2. Inference. 3. Divine revelation. These are subdivided into sixty-five varieties. ஞானம், is two-fold: 1. விடையஞானம், world ly or secular knowledge. 2. சொரூபஞானம், divine or spiritual knowledge of the na ture of deity, spirit and பாசம், with a state of soul approximating toward union with the universal spirit.ஞானகஞ்சுகன், s. The deity as pure intelligence clothed with wisdom. (p.)ஞானகாண்டம், s. Those parts of the Vedas which inculcate mystic and spi ritual knowledge, abstract devotion, &c. See கிரியாகாண்டம்.ஞானகாண்டிகர், s. (plu.) Those who have obtained the spiritual knowledge, and who practise the abstract devotion inculcated in the ஞானகாண்டம்.ஞானகாரணி, s. The authoress of wisdom.ஞானகாரியம், s. Spiritual matters, things connected with the essentials of religion.ஞானகுரு--ஞானசாரியன், s. The spiritual guru; i. e. the deity appear ing in human form, for the instruction and illumination of his disciples; or the deity represented by the officiating guru.ஞானக்கண், s. Spiritual sight, vision, illumination--oppos. to ஊனக்கண்.ஞானக்களை, s. Spiritual luster, in the countenance of an advanced devotee.ஞானக்காட்சி, s. Spiritual perception. 2. Spiritual sight or vision of the ஞானி, Who professes to view at once all things in the universe.ஞானசத்தி, s. One of the six சத்தி or female energies of deity.ஞானசபை, s. A hall at சிதம்பரம், symbolizing the immensity of God, without an idol, and intended to re present the visible heavens. see சிற்சபை.ஞானசமாதி, s. The posture of the erect silent ascetic of the highest degree, superior to the Yogi. See சமாதி.ஞானசரிதர், s. (plu.) Those who practice the rules of the fourth degree.ஞானசரீரம், s. The spiritual body.ஞானசாதனம்--ஞானசாதனை, s. Prac tice in the devotions of the ஞானி before he has arrived at the fourth or highest stage. See ஞானம்.ஞானசாத்திரம்--ஞானநூல், s. Theology, or the science which treats of the na ture of the supreme Being, the soul and other mysteries of religion. This is two-fold: 1. பூர்வம். 2. சித்தாந்தம்.ஞானசிகாமணி, s. God, as crowning all wisdom.ஞானசுகம், s. The highest enjoyments, those of the advanced devotee, who by abstractions has deified himself and become fit for absorption.ஞானசூட்சம், s. Occult meaning, spiritual interpretation. 2. A clue to the understanding of the mystical parts of religion.ஞானசூரியன், s. (christ. usage.) The sun of Righteousness, Jesus christ.ஞானச்சுடர், s. The deity as the pos sessor of spiritual light.ஞானதிசை--ஞானதசை, s. The state, or the season, when a soul is ripening for emancipation; or when secular in fluences cease and spiritual motives operate. See பெத்ததிசை.ஞானதிடம், s. True wisdom. See மெய் ஞ்ஞானம்.ஞானதிட்டி--ஞானதிருஷ்டி, s. Spiritual light or illumination, said to be attained by exalted devotees. 2. The official look of the guru, on the advanced dis ciple, in the administration of the சிவ தீட்சை, supposed to dispel sin (மலம்) and impart illumination, &c. ஞானதிருட்டியைவிழித்தல். Opening the eyes of the mind, or awakening spiritual sight, as a guru for the benefit of his disciple.ஞானதீட்சை, s. The imparting of spiritual illumination, by the look of the guru in his official capacity, or fancied visible personification of the deity, by which the சஞ்சிதம் or former evils of the mature disciple are consumed and he is advanced toward heaven. Compare குருதீட்சை. 2. (R. C. usage.) The rite of baptism.ஞானதீபம்-ஞானதீபிகை-ஞானவிளக்கு, s. The lamp of knowledge. ஞானத்தகப்பன், s. (Christ. usage.) A sponsor to a child in baptism; a god father.ஞானத்தாய், s. (Christ. usage.) A god mother.ஞானஸ்நானம், s. (Christ. usage.) Bap tism. See ஸ்நானம்.ஞானஸ்நானங்கொடுக்க--ஞானஸ்நானம் பண்ண, inf. to baptize.ஞானஸ்நானம்பெற, inf. To receive baptism.ஞானநாயகன், s. The Supreme Being as the author and object of ஞானம் to the devotee, or lord of spiritual illumina tion, கடவுள்.ஞானநிட்டை--ஞானநிஷ்டை, s. The devotion of the ஞானி, as a silent worshipper, having the mind fixed on a divine object, &c.; a higher stage than ஞானசாதனை.ஞானநிலை, s. The fourth degree in the Saiva system, that of the ஞானி