துளசித் தீர்த்தம், Tulasi leaves and consecrated water taken in making oath in court.
துளசிமணி, beads made of Tulasi root.
துளசிமாலை, a necklace of Tulasi leaves or beads.
s. Tulasi, a fragrant herb held in great veneration by the Hindus; holy basil, which is said to be a female meta morphosed, துளவம். Ocymum sanctum. W. p. 381. TULASI.--Note. There are three kinds especially sacred to siva, viz.: வெ ண்டுளசி, சிறுதுளசி, சிவதுளசி, Oeymum tenui florum. There are others appropriated in Vishnu who claims also those of Siva. viz.: இராமதுளசி, கரியமால்துளசி, செந்துளசி, கருந் துளசி, விஷ்ணுதுளசி, பெருந்துளசி, Ocymum gratissimum. There are still other varie ties. as கர்ப்பூரத்துளசி, which see; also காட்டுத் துளசி, Ocymum adscendens; நாய்த்துளசி, dog's basil, oppos. to நல்லதுளசி; நிலத்துளசி, Ocy mum prostratum. (c.)துளசிதீர்த்தம், s. Tulasi leaves and consecrated water, taken in making oath in court, or, as a token of adherence to Vishnu on entering his temples.துளசிமணி, s. (also தாதமணி.) Beads made of the white Tulasi root or branch, worn by devotees of the Vishnu sect.துளசிமாடம், s. A raised place for Tulasi plants, instead of a flower pot.துளசிமாலை, s. A necklace made of Tulasi, whether leaves or beads.