--புரளு, கிறேன், புரண்டேன், வேன், புரள, v. n. To roll over, to tumble over, to be overturned, to wallow, or welter in, உருள. 2. To roll as a river or a torrent, to overflow, to roll as waves, அலைமறிய. 3. To become besmeared, soiled, dirty, அழுக்காக. 4. To be perfumed, soaked, drenched with, கலக்க. 5. To be deranged, or changed, as times, seasons, customs, or laws; to be overturned as a state, மாற. 6. To fail in one's word, சொற்பிறழ. 7. To be refuted or confuted, வாதுமடங்க. 8. To revolve, சுற்ற. 9. (fig.) To abound, மிக. தண்ணீர்கரைபுரண்டோடிற்று. The water has overflowed the bank. பேச்சுப்புரளலாமா. Will you fail in your word? நீபுரண்டுபேசுகிறாய். You shuffle in your talk.