மடலோடு மடல் சேர்த்துக்கட்ட, to pinion a person.
மடலரிதாரம், leaf-orpiment.
மடலூர்தல், riding on a palmyra branch for a horse, as a disappointed lover.
மடற்பனை, a rough palmyra tree difficult to ascend; 2. (fig.) a learned man unwilling to impart his knowledge to others.
ஏற்ற மடல், the picotta, the pole of a well-sweep.
காது மடல், the ear-lap.
வாழை மடல், the bark of a plantain tree.
s. Any thing flat and long, espe cially the leaves of the cocoa, palmyra, areka, plantain, screw-pine (தாழை) and wild date, Ph&oe;nix farinifera, ஈந்துமுதலியவற் றின்ஏடு. 2. A stand for sacred ashes. See திருநீற்றுமடல். 3. A poem, figuratively des cribing a disappointed lover riding on a palmyra-stem, ஓர்பிரபந்தம். 4. Stem of a palmyra branch for the above purpose. 5. Eye-lid, கண்ணிமை. 6. Husk enclosing the ears of maize, சோளக்கதிர்முதலியவற்றின் பொத்தி. 7. A flower-petal, பூவிதழ். 8. The standing pole of a well-sweep, ஏற்றமடல். 9. [prov.] A subsidiary stream or channel forming an angle with the main channel- as சிறுவாய்க்கால். 1. The external border of the ear, காதுமடல். 11. The shoulder blade and upper arm, தோள்மடல்.மடலரிதாரம், s. Leaf-orpiment.மடலூர, inf. [in love poetry.] To ride on a palmyra-branch for a horse--as a disappointed lover.மடல்விரிய, inf. [poet. மடலவிழ.] To expand as a pine, or plantain-flower sheath.மடற்பரி--மடன்மா, s. [fig.] A pal myra stem used as a horse.மடற்பனை, s. A rough palmyra-tree difficult to ascend, commonly கங்குப்பனை. 2. [fig.] A learned man unwilling to communicate his knowledge; being one of the four classes of teachers. (நன்.)மடற்றுத்தம், s. Impure carbonate of Zinc, Calamine. [Ains. v. I. p. 574.]
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