s. A place, இடம். 2. Room, lodging place, அறை. 3. A theatre or place of public exhibition, an assembly room, an arena, நாடகசாலை. 4. A public assembly, சபை. 5. The squares on a chest board, சூதாடற்குவகுத்தவறை. (p.) Wils. p. 693. RANGA. அரங்கின்றிவட்டாடலுமறிவின்றிப்பேசலுமொன்று. To attempt playing draughts without squares, and a fool speaking of things which he does not understand, are the same.அரங்கேற, inf. To be exhibited, as a dancing girl, for the first time. 2. To be produced at court before the king or in a public assembly, as a new work.அரங்கேற்ற, inf. To exhibit a poem, a drama, dance, &c. in a public assembly, சபையிலேற்ற.அறங்கேற்றம்--அரங்கேற்று, v. noun. The exhibition of new art, book, &c., the performance of a new dance, drama, &c. in a public or learned assembly, சபையிலேற்றுகை.
கிறேன், அரங்கினேன், வேன், அரங்க, v. n. To become depressed, lowered, pressed down, அழுந்த. (p.)அரங்க, inf. [used adverbially.] Thoroughly, entirely. (p.) மரத்தையரங்கத்தறி. Prune the tree thoroughly. நூலரங்கக்கற்றோர். Those who are well versed in a science.அரங்கல், v. noun. Becoming de pressed, lowered, pressed down.
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