நானெனதெனல், saying I and mine, - an expression indicative of self-consequence which must be annihilated if the soul is to be made fit for absorption.
நானென்கிற எண்ணம், egotism, presumption.
pron. [Gen. என், or என்னுடைய.] I. யான். 2. [in the agama philos.] Self-con sequence, &c. See நானெனதெனல்.--Note. In composition it is sometimes used for நால். (four), as நான்கு.நானாய், I myself, of or by myself, of my own accord.நானெனதெனல், v. noun. Saying I and mine. 2. [in the agamas.] A form used to express self-conquence and the feelings that excite to energy and action but which must be suppressed before the soul is ripe for absorption.நானென்றஎண்ணம், s. Self-impor tance, presumption, egotism. நானென்றிருந்தவர்கள் எத்தனையோ பெயர் போய் விட்டார்கள். How many, who flourished and boasted, are gone!