உபாயக்காரன், உபாயி, a cunning artful man.
உபாயம் பண்ண, to use means, to adopt stratagems.
உபாயோபாயமாய், by right or wrong, by any means direct, or indirect, by hook or by crook.
உபாயமான சுரம், slight fever.
ஜீவனோபாயம், means of livelihood.
s. Means, contrivance, expedient, device, good or bad, skill in accomplishing an object, சூழ்ச்சி. 2. Stra tagem, artifice, craft, shift, art, cunning, shuffling, intrigue, தந்திரம். 3. The means for bringing an enemy to terms, of which four are enumerated, viz.: 1. சாமம், con ciliatory measures. 2. பேதம், sowing dis sension. 3. தானம், gifts, presents. 4. தண் டம், chastisement, punishment (by war), அரசர்க்குரியவுபாயம். 4. [vul.] Smallness, சொ ற்பம். Wils. p. 16. UPAYA.உபாயக்காரன்--உபாயி, s. An artful person, a schemer, contriver, தந்திரக்காரன்.உபாயஞ்சூழ, inf. To contrive, scheme.உபாயஞ்சொல்ல, inf. To give counsel.உபாயதந்திரம், s. Devices, crafti ness, subtility.உபாயமானவிளையாட்டு, s. Artful cheating in play.உபாயம்பண்ண, inf. To adopt stra tagems, to contrive, employ address, use means.உபாயவிலக்கு, s. [in rhetoric.] Artfully endeavoring to prevent an act, by representing the evil which will happen to one's self--as when a wife dissuades her husband from leaving her by declaring that, in case he does, she must die, ஓரலங்காரம்.உபாயோபாயம், s. Various means or artifices. 2. Cunning for cunning in retaliation, &c.மோட்சம்பெறுமுபாயம்--மோட் சோபாயம், s. Means for obtaining eter nal bliss.
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