கேணிக்கறை, the place near a well; the bank of a tank.
கேணித்துறை, the descent of a well or tank.
கேணிவெட்ட, to dig a tank,to sink a well.
s. A square or oblong walled tank, தடாகம். 2. A public well, கிணறு. 3. A well; in some places an unwalled reser voir of water, தூவு. 4. A ditch, a trench, அகழ். (from Sans. Khana, to dig.)மணற்கேணி, s. A well sunk in a sandy soil.கேணிக்கரை, s. The place near a tank or well. 2. The bank of a tank.கேணித்துறை, s. The descent of a well or tank.