துணிமணி, clothes and jewels.
துணிவு, துணிதல், துணிச்சல், v. n. temerity, presumption, enterprise, courage, audacity; 2. determination.
துணிவுள்ளவன், துணிந்தநெஞ்சு, a bold daring person.
துணிந்துசெய்ய, to undertake a hazardous enterprise.
துணிந்துசொல்ல, to speak with confidence, to venture to say.
துணிபு, v. n. ascertainment, conclusion, judgment; 2. opinion sentiment, assumption.
துணிக்கை, v. n. cutting; 2. a slice, a piece, a bit of bread etc.
s. A piece of cloth, a rag, a clout, கந்தை, 2. Cloth diminutively, i>சீலை. (c.) 3. A piece, slice, chop, fragment bit, morsel, துண்டம். 4. Pendent ornaments, hanging, commonly of cloth, தூக்கங்கள். 5. The fifteenth lunar asterism, சோதிநாள். 6. Light, ஒளி. 7. The flag of an idol car, தேரிடக்கியம். (சது.) 8. Ascertainment. certainty, determination; the thing or doctrine assumed or taken as true, தெளிவு.துணிகட்ட, inf. To put on, or wear clothes diminutively.)துணிபிடுங்கி, appel. n. A shrub on which are hung small pieces of cloth as an offering to some goddess.துணிமணி, s. Clothes and jewels. (diminutively spoken.) (c.)
கிறேன், ந்தேன், வேன், ய, v. n. To be sundered, cut, severed, துண்டமாக. 2. v. a. To resolve, determine, purpose, design, எண்ண. 3. To identify, recognize, தெளிய. 4. (c.) To dare, venture, risk, hazard, presume, துணிகரமாக. 5. To at tempt, to aim, to endeavor, முயல. 6. To ascertain, form an opinion about, நிச்சயப் படுத்த. துணிந்தார்க்குத்துக்கமுண்டோ. Will those who have made up their minds to an attempt, regard the consequences? துணிந்தகம்பம். A daring person; (lit.) a post in surprise or contempt.துணிநர், s. (plu.) Persons holding undeniable truths. (p.)துணிந்தமனம், s. A hold, daring mind, as of a rash person.துணிந்தவன், appel. n. mas. துணிந்த வன்.) An insolent, forward woman. (Beschi.)துணிந்துசொல்ல, inf. To have the boldeness to say; to venture to say. 2. to speak with confidence, declare bold ly, affirm. 3. To speak with clear and certain knowledge.துணிந்துநிற்க, inf. To be bold, to stand to, persist in, maintain.துணிந்துமணியங்கட்ட, inf. [prov.] To persist in a foolish purpose (in contempt) 2. To persevere with energy.துணிபொருள்--துணிவுப்பொருள், s. A thing known and advanced with cer tainty and confidence. 2. A thing as sumed and presumed upon. (p.)துணிபு, v. noun. Ascertainment, judg ment, determination, conclusion, தெளிவு. 2. Opinion, theory, sentiment, assump tion, தீர்ப்பு.துணிவு--துணிகை--துணிதல். v. noun. Confidence, assurance, boldness, தைரியம். 2. Presumption, temerity, audacity, rashness, துணிகரம். (c.) 3. Ascertain ment, certainty, determination, conclu sion, decision, தெளிவு. 4. Opinion founded on facts, knowledge, evidence, &c., தீர்ப்பு. 5. Purpose, design, aim, endeavor, நோக் கம். 6. Sundering, parting, separation, dividing, பிரிவு. இதேதுணிவு. This is certain, evident, determined.துணிவுரை, s. One of the fourteen subdivisions of விருத்தியுரை. See உரை.
ஒளி; தெளிவு; துண்டம்; மரவுரி; சோதிநாள்; உறுதி; ஆடை; தொங்கல்; தேரில்கட்டியகொடி.
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