கோபுரந்தாங்கி, (lit.) the figure on the side of the gateway seeming to support the tower, one having a high sense of self-importance who thinks that on him alone everything depends; 2. justicia echioides, பூண்டுவகை.
கோபுரவஸ்து, (lit.) that which lives in towers, a monkey.
கோபுரவாசல், --வாயில், the portal of a tower.
s. The tower of a gateway at the entrance of a town or temple, சிகரி. 2. The gate way itself, கோபுரத்தின்வாயில். W. p. 3. GOPURA. (c.)கோபுரக்கல், s. A brick, செங்கல். (R.)கோபுரந்தாங்கி, s. The figure on either side of a gate way of a temple, support ing the tower. 2. (M. Dic.) A kind of plant, ஓர்பூண்டு. Justicia echioides, L.கோபுரவாசல்--கோபுரவாயில், s. A gate through or under a tower.
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