குழைநாற்றம், an unpleasant leafy smell.
குழைமண்ட, to abound with thick foliage.
குழையடிக்க, to recite mantrams waving margosa leaves over a person who is sick, possessed or snake-bitten; 2. to wheedle.
குழைகறி, a kind of vegetable curry; vegetable curry softened by boiling.
குழைசாந்்து, coarse mortar.
குழைசுண்ணாம்பு, slaked lime.
குழைசேறு, soft mire, mud.
குழைச்சரக்கு, worthless stuff.
குழைஞ்சான்போட்டு, (-இட்டு) க்கொண்டு திரிய, to join oneself to another in a sneaking manner; to try to hoax by friendly intercourse and overtures.
குழைந்த மனம், tender heart.
குழைந்தசோறு, rice overboiled.
குழையல், v. n. anything mashed.
குழையற்கறி, mashy or pulpy curry; curry overboiled.
குழைவு, v. n. mashy state.
குழைவாயிருக்க, to be soft and tender.
குழைத்துச்் சாப்பிட, to mix medicines and take them.
சாந்து குழைக்க, to macerate mortar.
மண் (சேறு) குழைக்க, to make mud.
s. Young leaves, sprouts, foli age, boughs, twigs, தளிர். 2. Soft, well trod den mud; slime, சேறு. 3. Ear-jewels, குண் டலம். 4. (சது.) A tube, துளையுடைப்பொருள். 5. The நெய்தல் plant. மரங்குழைமண்டிப்போயிற்று. The tree abounds with thick foliage.குழைக்காடு, s. [prov.] The country- as distinguished from the city; a jungle, compared with more cultivated parts --as பட்டிக்காடு.குழைக்காட்டான், s. A rustic; a clown.குழைநாற்றம்--குழைவீச்சம், s. An unpleasant, leafy or grassy smell.குழைமறைவு, v. noun. Foliage, shrub bery, trees, &c., intercepting vision. 2. Sculking, &c., from creditors.குழைபிடிக்க, inf. [prov.] To obstruct an affair-from the practice of the Kan dians, holding a bough before a person, as a sign of protestation, or of forbid ding him to proceed.குழையடிக்க, inf. To recite incanta tions while shaking and drawing a hand ful of Margosa twigs over a sick or possessed person or animal, or one bitten by a snake. Mesmeric effects, similar to those occasioned by drawing the fingers in a particular way over the face of a patient, are sometimes produced by the above process, and ignorant people attribute them to the power of the incantations. 2. To vheedle; to use artful means in order to secure the interest of a person.
கிறது, ந்தது, யும், ய, v. n. To be soft, mashed, pulpy, slimy. &c., சோறு முதலியனகுழைய, 2. To become tender--as the mind by love, friendship, pity, &c, மனமிளக. 3. To be social, and friendly, sometimes with a clandestine purpose in view, சேர்ந்துசெறிய. 4. To fade, shrink; to be come spoiled--as flowers, or twigs by use in the hand, மலர்முதலியனவாட. 5. To become discouraged, dismayed, தைரியங்குறைய. 6. To be bent--as a bow; to be curved, to be coiled up, வளைய. மோப்பக்குழையுமனிச்சமுகந்திரிந்து நோக்கக்குழை யும்விருந்து. The Anicham flower fades in being smelt; and the feast fades on a change of countenance (of host or guest). இழையத்தீட்டிக்குழையவடித்தல். Beating the rice well and straining it when it is boiled to a pap. குழைந்துபறிமாறுகிறார்கள். They live in mutual hormony.குழைகறி--குழைந்தகறி, s. Mashy vege table curry.குழைசாந்து, s. Coarse mortar--as used in building walls, or rough plastering.குழைசுண்ணாம்பு, s. Lime for plaster, white-washing, &c.; macerated lime.குழைசேறு, s. Soft mire, slime.குழைந்தசோறு, s. Rice over--boiled.குழைந்தமனம், s. A relenting, tender mind, இளகியமனம்.குழையல், v. noun. Any thing mixed or mashed, &c., குழைந்தது.குழையற்கறி, s. Mashy or pulpy curry. 2. Curry over-boiled.குழையற்சாதம், s. Rice over-boiled.குழையற்பனாட்டு, s. [prov.] Dried pal myra pulp grown mashy.குழைவு, v. noun. Mashy state, குழை கை. 2. Tenderness of mind, pity. உருக் கம். 3. Fading, linguishing, &c., வாட் டரவு.குழைவிக்க, inf. To mash; to cause to be mashy or pulpy by over-boiling. 2. To make tender, or susceptible of feeling.
க்கிறேன், த்தேன், ப்பேன், க்க, v. a. To macerate, mash; to reduce to pulp, to make soft, to reduce consistency by mixing, குழையச்செய்ய. 2. To bend--as a bow, வளைக்க. 3. v. n. To send out sprouts, to sprout, தளிர்க்க. காரியங்களையொன்றாய்க்குழைக்கிறான். He is mix ing up different affairs.குழைத்துச்சாப்பிட, inf. To mix (the rice and curry well) and eat. 2. To mix medicines and take them.குழைத்துத்தீற்ற--குழைத்தூட்ட, inf. To mash food and feed a child.சாந்துகுழைக்க, inf. To temper or macerate mortar.மண்குழைக்க, inf. To work clay or other soft earth into a mass.விபூதிகுழைக்க, inf. To mix up sacred ashes into a thin paste for making the body.குழைப்பு, v. noun. Mashing, macerat ing. 2. Tempering mortar, &c.
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