இலிங்கசூலை, இலிங்கப்புற்று; venereal diseases.
இலிங்கதாரி, இலிங்கங்கட்டி, one that wears a linga in a casket.
ஸ்திரிலிங்கம், the female linga.
புருஷலிங்கம், the male linga.
இலிங்கசரீரம், subtle or ethereal body within the gross material body, சூக்கும சரீரம்.
இலிங்கபுராணம், one of the 18 Puranas.
இலிங்கன், இலிங்கர், asceties, rishis.
s. A sign, mark, token, symbol, அடையாளம். 2. The penis. ஆண்குறி. 3. The phallus or linga--a representation of the membra viri et mulieris used in temples as an object of worship, and re garded as deity under this emblem. It is also made of gold or silver and worn in a casket on the arm, the breast, or some other part of the body, as an amulet and as an object of veneration and worship. In both these cases it represents both sexes in conjunction, being emblematical of Siva and Sacti, or the male and female energies of the deity, சிவலிங்கம். In the Agama philosophy three lingas are men tioned; viz.: 1. Streelinga (ஸ்திரீலிங்கம்) the same as விந்து--the female linga com mon to male and female--including in both sexes the organs for secreting and contain ing the seminal fluid. 2. Purshalinga (புருட லிங்கம்) same as நாதம் (Natha) male linga, also common to both sexes, including in both sexes the genital organs for transmit ting and combining the two productions essential to generation. 3. Napunchakalin ga, (நபுஞ்சகம்) same as அலி, Ali or Alilinga, the neuter or rather hermaphrodite linga, being the physiological foundation of the other two, both as to their organization and functions. The image linga often bears this name; these three are dis tinguished by the terms அவன், அவள், அது. They are physiological and are found in such works as தத்துவக்கட்டளை, &c. There is another class of lingas called பஞ்சலிங் கம், the five lingas, popularly repre sented as deity under the emblems of the five elements, and worshipped in as many celebrated temples, viz.: பிருதிவிலிங்கம், earth-linga, worshipped at Canjeevara- அப்புலிங்கம், water-linga, worshipped at Tiruvanaicka--தேயுலிங்கம், fire linga, wor shipped at Tiruvannamalay--வாயுலிங்கம், air-linga, worshipped at Tirukalatti- ஆகாயலிங்கம், ether-linga, worshipped at Se thumbaram. These are properly of a meta physical or mystical character and belong to the arcana of Hinduism. The above designations are for popular use and are given from their physiological connection with the five bodies or casements of the soul, whose natural bases are the elements. earth, water, fire, air and ether, respective ly. Among the initiated, the following are the terms employed, viz.: 1. ஸ்திரீலிங் கம், Streelinga--this is properly the organ entire--male and female with its func tions; it is a figure (உரூபம்) the only one of the five to which form is ascribed. There is but one image, the representation of this. The சரிதை course of worship, i. e. the pop ular puranic course belongs to this. 2. புல்லிங்கம், this is defined to be உணர்வு; the course here is that of instruction and per ception as to the action of the instrument, &c. To this belongs the கிரியை course of worship, the second great stage. 3. நபுஞ் சகலிங்கம், this is the stage of darkness, of neutrality, called the stage of darkness and doubt, and, as a course of worship, is included in the succeeding one. 4. பரமலிங் கம், this comes under the dominion of மயேச் சுரன், the concealer, and is called மறைப்பு; the course here is that of யோகம், the third great stage. 5. மகாலிங்கம், this is தெளிவு, the course of ஞானம், the last stage which exempts from births, and secures absorp tion in the supreme essence. Wils. p. 72. LINGA.இலிங்ககோளம், s. Glans penis. (Anat.)இலிங்கங்கட்டி--இலிங்கதாரி, s. One who wears the linga.இலிங்கசங்கமம், s. Symbols of the sexes united--probably a personifi cation of the active energy of the deity and of matter, represented in metal. &c., or formed in the mind as objects of con templation and worship.இலிங்கசூலை, s. A kind of venereal disease.இலிங்கபுடோல், s. The ஐவிரலி, creeper, Bryonia, L.இலிங்கபுராணம், s. One of the eighteen Puranas, புராணம்பதினெட்டிலொ ன்று.இலிங்கப்புற்று, s. A kind of ve nereal disease.இலிங்கரோகம், s. The venereal disease, ஆண்குறியில்வருமோர்புண்.இலிங்கர்--இலிங்கிகள், s. Asce tics, Rishis who wear the Linga, சைவ தவப்பாலோர்.இலிங்கி, s. An ascetic. 2. A worshipper of Siva, under the phallic emblem. 3. A hypocrite, a pretended devotee.ஸ்படிகலிங்கம், s. A linga made of quartz.பாணலிங்கம், s. A stone in the form of a linga--found in the river Nurbudda.பிரசாதலிங்கம், s. What is dedi cated to Siva.பார்த்திபலிங்கம், s. Any thing assumed as an emblem of linga, and worshipped.சுயம்புலிங்கம், s. A linga suppos ed to be self-existent.சங்கமலிங்கம், s. A man of the Changama sect.குருலிங்கம், s. A spiritual father, a confessor.
s. Vermillion--as சாதி லிங்கம்.இலிங்கக்கட்டு, s. A preparation of vermillion--used for medicinal pur poses; cinnabar.இலிங்கபற்பம், s. The powder or ashes of cinnabar--used medicinally.இலிங்கமெழுகு, s. A medicine prepared from cinnabar, ஓர்மருந்து.
அடையாளம்; ஆண்குறி ஏது வடமொழிப்பெயர்ச்சொற்குரியபால்; சிவலிங்கம் சாதிலிங்கம் இலிங்கபுராணம் பிரகிருதி உபநிடதம்முப்பத்திரண்டனுள்ஒன்று; கருவிழியின்நடுவிலிருக்கிறபாவை; கறை நோய்க்குறி
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