உடைத்து, 3rd per. sing, neuter, it possesses, belongs to.
உடைப்பெருஞ் செல்வம், those possessed of great wealth.
உடைமை, abstr. noun, possession, property, wealth, riches, opulence; 2. jewels.
உடைமை, உற்பத்தி, effects, goods.
உடைமைக்காரன், the proprietor, possessor, owner.
உடைமைபண்ண, to get jewels made.
உடைய, adj. part. possessing, belonging to; 2. a termination of the 6th. case (genit.)
அரசனுடைய கட்டளை, the order of the king.
மணமுடைய பூ, a flower having fragrance, a fragrant flower.
மரத்தையுடைய குடியானவன், the farmer who is the owner of the tree.
உடையது, what possesses or belongs to.
இது என்னுடையது, this is mine, this belongs to me.
உடையவன், (fem. உடையவள்) the proprietor, possessor.
உடையார், (pl.) the caste title of a certain tribe of landholders; the rich, the wealthy.
ஆஸ்தி, (ஆஸ்தியை) உடையவன், a wealthy man.
ஆஸ்திக்குடையவன், heir to the estate or property.
நாடுடையான், a lord of a country.
மண்ணுடையான், a potter, குயவன்.
பொது உடைமைக் கட்சியார், the communists.
உடைகுளம், a tank which has burst its banks.
உடையல், உடைசல், v. ns. broken things.
ஓட்டை உடைசல், cracked and broken things.
உடையாதது, whole, not cracked or broken, உடைவு, breach, debility, reduced state, cracking.
முறுக்குடைய, to be untwisted as a thread.
மனமுடைந்தவன், மனமுடைவானவன், a broken-hearted person.
உடைப்பு, v. n. bursting of a bank, a breach.
உடைப்பில் போடுதல், casting away a thing as worthless.
தலையுடைக்க, to take much pains mentally.
s. Wealth, செல்வம். 2. Owning, belonging to, being owned, pos sessed, உடைமை. This word is conjugated as a symbolic verb, in the various inflec tions of which, or in the abstract form உடைமை, it chiefly obtains; when used as a qualifying prefix in its simple form, except as a participle, it requires the reduplica tion of the hard letters.பாட்டுடைத்தலைவன், s. The patron of a poem to whom it is addressed. 2. The hero of a poem.உடைப்பெருஞ்செல்வர், s. Those possessed of great wealth.உடைத்து. Third person sing. neut. of a symbolic verb often used appellatively with ஆகுதல். It has, pos sesses, belongs to, is subject to. இது அவற்குடைத்து. This belongs to him. மகிமையுடைத்தானமோட்சம். Glorious bliss. அச்சாணியன்னாருடைத்து. (The world) possessing persons as important (to society) as the linch pin is to a cha riot. (குறள்.) யாக்கைஅழிவுடைத்தாயிருக்கின்றது. The body is perishable.உடைத்தானவன், s. A proprietor, possessor, one subject to.--Note. This form, though a solecism, is allowed.உடைய. The participle of the verb, (1) used as a form of the sixth or possessive case, ஆறாம்வேற்றுமைச்சொல்லுரு பு--as என்னுடையபொருள், my property. 2. Affixed to nouns it governs the accu sative case expressed or understood--as மரத்தையுடையவன், the owner of the tree. Sometimes it is annexed to the dative --as பொருளுக்குடையவன், an heir. என்னுடையது. It is mine.மணமுடையபூ, s. A fragrant flower.மரத்தினுடையகொம்பு, s. The branch of a tree.உடையவன்--உடையான், (third pers. masc. sing.) He has, he possesses, (often used appellatively). 2. appel. n. He who has, he who possesses. (a) the owner, the possessor, (b) the Supreme Being, (c) a rich man, (d) a king, a lord, (e) the master of the house.உடையார், s. The rich, the wealthy, the opulent. 2. [prov.] A district of ficer. 3. A title among some tribes of Hindus. உடையார்முன்னில்லார்போல். Like the poor in the presence of the wealthy.ஆஸ்திக்குடையவன், s. An heir. மண்ணுடையான், s. A potter, குயவன்.ஆஸ்தியுடையவன், s. A proprietor.ஊருடையார், s. A district officer, a registrar of land, &c.வீட்டுடையான், s. The master of a house, the husband.
கிறது, ந்தது, யும், ய, v. n. To become broken--as a vessel; to crack, burst, break in pieces, split, to be fractur ed--as the skull, &c.; to break with force suddenly, to break or burst open--as a bank or shore; to break open--as a letter or seal, &c.; to be broken--as the skin; to be hurt--as by a wound, தகர. 2. To become broken--as the ranks of an army, to be discomfited, to retreat before the foe, இரிய. 3. To become broken--as the heart with grief, to be disheartened, dispirited, dejected, alienated, &c., to be in despair, மனம்நெகிழ. 4. To fall below in competi tion, rivalry or comparison, தாழ. 5. To be reduced in circumstances, to become poor, குறைய. 6. To effloresce, open, burst--as a flower, to blossom, மலர. 7. To become untwisted, முறுக்கவிழ. 8. To be reduced in strength, to be debilitated, to be subdu ed or overcome by any thing, பலமுடைய. (குறள். 19. அதி. 8.) 9. To be divulged or become known as a secret, வெளிப்பட. 1. To be ruined, கெட. நெஞ்சுடைந்தவனாய்ப்போனான். He is dis pirited, dejected, &c.; he is in despair. கொப்புளமுடைந்தது. The blister is broken. ஒன்னலருடைந்துபோனார். The enemy was discomfited.உடை, s. Clothes, garments, ves ture, dress, வஸ்திரம்.உடைநடைபாவனை, s. The mode of dress, the gait, the manner, external appearance.உடையல், s. Any thing broken, a breach, a fracture.உடையல்நெரியல், s. Things cracked and broken.உடைவாள், s. A short scimiter, an accoutrement or article of equipage, சுரிகை.உடைவு, v. noun. A breach, dis ruption, eruption, infraction, crack, frac ture, தகர்வு. 2. Being routed, a discom fiture, defeat, இரிவு. 3. Debility, broken ness of constitution, தளர்வு. 4. [with appropriate words prefixed.] Dispirited ness, dejection, broken-heartedness, despair, மனநெகிழ்ச்சி. 5. Reduction of circumstances from wealth to poverty, கேடு.மனமுடைவானவன், s. A deject ed or broken-hearted person.
க்கிறேன், த்தேன், ப்பேன், க்க, v. a. To break a vessel, &c.; to burst, break open, break a bank, &c.; to break lumps, clods, &c.; to break a boil, a blister, the skull or any other flat, solid or mas sive substance; to split, fracture, தகர்க்க. 2. To break the ranks of an enemy, to defeat, discomfit, disperse, rout, put to flight, இரிக்க. 3. To ruin, impoverish one, கெடுக்க. 4. To untwist, untwine, முறுக்கவிழ்க்க. 5. v. n. To break--as a boil, கட்டியுடைக்க.- Note. உடைய and உடைக்க are not appli cable to the breaking of a tree, a branch, an arm or any other long and cylindrical body that is broken off short or asunder. For this meaning see முரிக்க, ஒடிக்க, &c. தண்ணீருடைத்துப்பாய்கிறது. The water has broken (the dam) and flows out. பல்லுடைப்பேனென்றான். He said, I will break your teeth.கட்டுடைக்க, inf. To burst an embankment--as water.பெண்மையுடைக்கும்படை, s. The weapon that dissolves female con tinency.தலையுடைக்க, inf. To take much pains, mentally--as in abstruse calcula tions, intricate business.உடைப்பு, v. noun. A breaking, a breach, the bursting of a bank, உடை க்கை. 2. s. A channel out or broken through a dam in a field, disruption, உடைந்தஅறுவாய். 3. Weakness, தளர்ச்சி.தலையுடைப்பு, v. noun. A trouble, some intricate employment.