உனக்கொரு சிந்தனையுமில்லை, you have no concern.
சிந்தனை பண்ணிப்பார், ponder this well, think over and over.
சிந்தனையாயிருக்க, சிந்தனைப்பட, to be anxious, to be concerned.
s. Thought, conception, re collection, imagination, reflection, con sideration, நினைவு. 2. Heed, attention, கருத்து. 3. Care, concern, grief, regret, கவ லை. 4. Deep thought, meditation, con templation, தியானம். 5. Supplication to or desires after the deity in the heart, தேவசிந்தனை. 6. Inquiry, investigation, search, ஆராய்வு. 7. Wish, desire, விருப்பம். (c.) 8. The thing conceived in the mind, as one of the three things about which the astrologer is consulted. See நஷ்டம் and முஷ்டி. Compare சிந்தை. உனக்கொருசிந்தனையுமில்லை. You need have no concern. 2. (R.) There is nothing against you.சிந்தனைகெட்டுப்போக, inf. To become bewildered, or deranged.சிந்தனைப்பட, inf. To be careful, anxious, concerned. 2. To be distrac ted, disturbed in thought.சிந்தனைபண்ண, inf. To remember, to think, to reflect, to meditate. 2. To make supplication in the heart. 3. To heed, attend to. 4. To inquire, ex amine. சிந்தனைபண்ணிப்பார். Ponder this well; think over and over.சிந்தனையின்மை, s. (neg.) Freedom from care or apprehension. 2. Incon siderateness, heedlessness, carelessness.சமுசாரசிந்தனை, s. Family or worldly cares.தேவசிந்தனை, s. Divine meditation or contemplation; attention to divine things.