நிழல் நல்லது முசிறு பொல்லாது, shade is pleasant, the red ants (under it) unpleasant; the patronage of thegreat is good, those around are troublesome.
நிழலாட, to be reflected as an image in a looking glass.
நிழலாட்டம், a typical or shadow representation, adumbration, phantom.
நிழலிட, to cost a shadow, to shade; 2. to reflect images.
நிழலிலே, in the shade, under protection.
நிழலுணக்க, நிழலுலர்த்த, நிழலுலர்த் தலாயுலர்த்த, to dry medicines in the shade.
நிழல் சரிவு, -சாய்வு, declining of a shadow.
நிழற்பாடு, shade as injurious to plants etc.
நிழற்பாவை, puppets, the shade of which are cast on a curtain.
குடைநிழல், shadow of an umbrella, the protection of a government.
நிழலல், நிழலுதல், v. n. (of an imperfect verb), shadowing, being cast as a shadow; 2. being reflected as an image.
s. Shade, shadow, சாயை. 2. Image or reflection in mirror, water, &c., விம்பம். 3. Type, representation, coun terpart, முன்னடையாளம். 4. Appearance, phantom, வெறுந்தோற்றம். 5. (fig.) Protec tion, retreat, asylum, refuge, தஞ்சம். (c.) 6. Coolness, frigidity, குளிர்ச்சி. 7. Grace, favor, benignity, அருள். 8. Wealth, pros perity, affluence, செல்வம். 9. Light, ra diance, splendor, ஒளி. 1. Disease, ailment, நோய். (சது.) 11. Justice, equity, நீதி. (பிங்.) நிழல்நல்லதுமுசிறுபொல்லாது. Shade is plea sant, the red ants (under it) unpleasant; i. e. the patronage of the great is good, those around are troublesome. நிழல்நிற்கிறதாபார். See whether there is any shadow; i. e. see whether the sun shines. ஒதுங்கநிழலில்லை. There is no shade to resort to. 2. There is no place of refuge. அண்டநிழலில்லை. There is no shade; i. e. no place of refuge. தன்னிழல்தன்காற்கீழ்வர--தன்னிழல்தன்னடிக்கு வர. When one's shade is under foot; i. e. when it is exactly noon.நிழலாட, inf. To be reflected as an image in water, a mirror, &c.நிழலாட்டம், s. v. noun. Any thing like a shadow, shade in painting, &c. 2. Typical representation, adumbration, 3. A mere phantom.நிழலிட, inf. To cast a shadow, to over--shadow, to shade. 2. To reflect objects, சாயைகாட்ட.நிழலுணக்க--நிழலுலர்்த்த, inf. To dry medicines in the shade. See உலர், v.நிழலொதுக்கு, s. A shady covert or retreat.நிழலோடுதல், v. noun. Lengthening of a shadow.நிழல்காத்தல், v. noun. Being shaded.நிழல்கொடுக்க, inf. To cast a shadow as நிழலிட.நிழல்செய்ய--நிழற்செய்ய, inf. To over-shadow. (p.)நிழல்நாவல், s. A plant. See நாவல்.நிழல்பட--நிழல்விழ, inf. To fall as the shadow of a flying body, &c.நிழற்கீழ்ப்பயிர், s. Plants in the shade of trees.நிழற்சாய்ப்பு, s. A shady resort, as நிழ லொதுக்கு.நிழற்சரிவு--நிழற்சாய்வு, v. noun. De clining of a shadow.நிழற்பாடு, s. [prov.] Shade as injuri ous to plants, &c.நிழற்பாவை, s. Puppets the shade of which are cast on a curtain. குடைநிழல், s. Shadow of an umbrella. 2. (fig.) The protection of a govern ment. See குடை.நிழலல்--நிழலுதல், v. noun. [of an imperfect verb.] Shadowing, being cast as a shadow, நிழல்செய்தல். 2. Being re flected as an image, சாயைதோன்றல். (p.)